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Student Competition | Saturday, August 2, 2025

Complete Online Competition Registration Here
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CNADM Student Competition is held bi-annually during the Summer and Fall Weekend Workshops. The Student Competition provides an education-based adjudication for participating studios to enhance the overall dance education experience. All participants must be registered and attend the Weekend Workshop with their competing studio. 

  • The number of accepted entries will be limited based on space/time restrictions.
  • Solos will be limited to one per dancer.
  • No refunds or exchanges after the entry deadline.

Age Divisions

  • Mini: 7 – 9 years
  • Junior: 10 – 12 years
  • Intermediate: 13 – 14 years
  • Senior: 15 - 18 years
  • Adult: 18+ years and out of high school

Add the ages of all contestants as of competition day and divide by the number of contestants (anything .5 and above rounds up to the next whole number). Name, age, and birth dates must accompany registrations. Contestants will be responsible for producing proof of age should a question arise. 

Types of Routines
Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Contemporary, Lyrical, Modern, and Open (should not fit into other categories).

Each competing routine will be awarded based on the following point system:

  • Platinum: 135-150
  • High Gold: 124-134.9
  • Gold: 107-123.9
  • Silver: up to 106.9

Overall winners will be awarded in each age division. There is one overall winner announced for every ten entries per division. All ties are broken by Technique score followed by Presentation/Overall Impression.

Categories and Time Limits

  • Solo: 2:45
  • Duo/Trio: 3:00
  • Small Group (4-9 dancers): 3:00
  • Large Group (10-15 dancers): 3:30
  • Production (16+ dancers): 6:00

Time limits include entrances/exits to music. There is a one-point deduction for each second over the time limit. Please note that music must be submitted in a final edit format – music will be played in its entirety as submitted.

Entry confirmations will be emailed to each participating studio with a shared Google link. Music must be uploaded into this drive folder within one week of the competition day. Judges’ critiques will be uploaded to this drive after the competition.

No flash photography is allowed at the competition. The entry fee includes a professional video without judges' feedback and is sent to the studio director after the competition.

Scenery, fire, or knives of any kind are NOT allowed. Scenery is defined as item(s) or structure(s) used as decorative background or to define a locale. Handheld props are allowed. Props should be carried on and off stage by the dancer(s) in the piece. Props should fit through a standard-size door easily. Props must be stored before and after the competition in a vehicle or hotel room. CNADM or the hotel cannot store them.