Barbara Swanson Workshop Scholarship Program
Imagine wishing you could take your dance education to the next level, but finding your hands (and feet) tied by financial restrictions. At the Chicago National Association of Dance Masters, we believe every student of our valued members deserves the opportunity to step outside their comfort zone and into a world-class, nationwide community of peers and faculty.
That’s why we’re pleased to offer over 25 scholarships from CNADM’s Barbara Swanson Scholarship Program to attend CNADM Training School, Pre-Pro Intensive, Ballet Forum, and Weekend Workshop. Once again, the family of Barbara Swanson is underwriting the costs of the entire scholarship program in Barbara’s memory.
Merit Scholarships
Merit scholarships are awarded during the summer workshops based on a student’s performance during the classes.
One Pre-Pro Intensive and five Ballet Forum merit scholarships are awarded to cover registration fees for the following summer. In addition, each Weekend Workshop class selects one student for a merit scholarship, which covers registration fees at the following Fall Dance Workshop in November.
Students are observed daily during their classes and selected based on attitude, etiquette, appearance, ability to work with others, proper use of time on/off the floor, ability to accept corrections, and dance ability.
College Scholarships
Since its inception in 1997, CNADM is proud to have awarded over $50,000 in college scholarships to deserving students of CNADM members.
The Yvonne Brown Collodi College Scholarship annually helps students fulfill their dream of completing a college degree. Yvonne Brown Collodi was a 30-year CNADM Board of Directors member and helped implement and chair the College Scholarship program.
Each year, CNADM awards up to $5,000 in college scholarships. Past recipients may re-apply each year that they are a member or student of a CNADM member in good standing. The submission deadline is June 30th.
2025 College Scholarship Application Coming Soon